Micro- and Nanostructured Devices for the Investigation of Biomolecular Interactions
Electrophysiology, Fluorescence techniques, Membrane proteins, Micro-nanoaperturesAbstract
Cell membrane receptors and ion channels are essential in many different cellular processes. To analyze the activity of membrane proteins in vesicles and biological cells, we fabricated micro-nano structured chips, enabling the application of electro physiology and fluorescence-based techniques. A SU-8 biochip was developed to simultaneously micromanipulate and investigate optically and electrically individual vesicles in a microfluidic channel. Lipid vesicles were transported, positioned by electrophoretic movement on a micrometer sized aperture, and fused to form a planar suspended membrane, which is suited to study ion channel activity. Aiming to investigate G protein coupled receptor signaling pathways in native-like environment, we developed a method for producing well-Oriented planar cell membrane sheets on silicon films containing nanoaperture arrays. The accessibility of extracellular and cytosolic surfaces was demonstrated by targeting membrane constituents side-specifically with fluorescent markers. Our approach can be applied for studying membrane proteins from a large variety of cells and cellular or ganelles using chip-based screening assays.Downloads
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How to Cite
Chimia 2006, 60, 754, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2006.754.