Radioactivity Buildup During Fuel Irradiation in Light Water Reactors (LWR)


  • Wolfgang Jeschki
  • Harald Maxeiner
  • Ake Nordström
  • Marc Schweingruber
  • Ben Volmert



Fission in uranium and mox fuel, Neutron activation, Radioactivity buildup in lwrs, Radiation protection, Radioactive waste treatment


Power production in LWRs is economic and very efficient. A by-product of the fission process, which generates the thermal power, is radioactivity associated with fission and activation nuclides. This article describes the ways in which radionuclides are produced and then dissipated in the systems of a LWR. Radionuclides in and on the surface of components create radiation fields which can cause harm to workers. The article describes methods which help to minimize the buildup of these radiation fields. The difficulties in determining the radionuclide inventories for structural materials in LWRs are discussed and appropriate code packages are discussed. The basic principles adopted in the context of treatment of radioactive waste are summarized, including an overview of typical conditioning strategies. Radiation protection issues are briefly described and methods used to protect workers are discussed.


