Laborvision ETH Zürich – Der neue Laborstandard der ETH Zürich

ETH Zurich Laboratory Vision – A New International Standard in Laboratory Design and Construction


  • Marcel Schmucki
  • Bruno Martinoni Department of Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich



Flexibility, Laboratory vision, Modular spatial concept, Standard in laboratory design


The strong reputation of the Swiss Federal institute of Technology (ETH) is based on the fact that, since its foundation well over one hundred years ago, it has played a leading role in the engineering and natural science disciplines. Now, with the forward-looking ETH Laboratory Vision concept, it is once again putting its innovative capability to the test. In collaboration with private industry, a system has been developed which establishes a new international standard in laboratory design and construction.
This Laboratory Vision concept will, in the final analysis, also owe its extensive international breakthrough to the fact that this type of laboratory design and construction is suitable for laboratories of all types. The proven conceptional flexibility of the modular system does not stand in the way of any application, whether it be for physical, organic, inorganic or technical chemistry. Also in biochemistry, in the molecular and medical sciences, and in material technology, the self-contained, autonomous unit of the laboratory cell, combined with the modular installation system, sets new standards for innovation and technology.


