Einsatz der Instrumentalanalyse im Rahmen der amtlichen Lebensmittelüberwachung
Instrumental Analysis at the Official Foodcontrol Laboratories of Switzerland
Authenticity, Contaminants, Food law enforcement, Food control, NetworkAbstract
Swiss legislation of food is enforced by the cantonal laboratories. Through inspection of the food companies and analysis of samples, they survey the conformity of the production and products. Within the last 15 years, the number of samples analysed has fallen by about 30%. The parameters to be analysed are numerous and need high sensitivity and selectivity. The equipment of the official laboratories enable these investigations to be performed well, but only a few labs are using certain crucial instrumental technologies, other methods are not implemented at all. Thanks to instrumental analytical methods, unsuspected frauds or unexpected contaminations can be revealed. This article gives an overview of the instrumental analysis methods used by the official foodcontrol laboratories with examples of applications. It also gives a perspective on how these expensive analytical ressources should be shared between the cantonal laboratories.Downloads
Scientific Articles
Copyright (c) 2001 Swiss Chemical Society
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How to Cite
Chimia 2001, 55, 10, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2001.10.