Hochaktive Wirksubstanzen – Arbeitshygienische Massnahmen bei der Verarbeitung

Highly Potent Active Substances: Industrial Hygiene Measures


  • Robert Roschi




Although highly (biologically) potent active compounds do not have the dramatic effects of highly reactive chemicals, the potential to damage is similar. The Pharmaceutical Industry routinely has to face the challenges posed with working with highly active compounds.
At Cilag AG, Schaffhausen, the risk is managed, before commencing the work, by identifying the dangers through a risk assessment. Once engineering measures have been applied, the residual risk can be managed by assigning appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and monitoring its effectiveness through routine air sampling and medical surveillance programs.In this article, the strategy applied to ensure that the workplace and the environment remain safe when routinely working with highly active substances is described in details. In addition, a glimpse of an innovational approach is given which will revolutionize handling of such compounds in the future.




How to Cite

R. Roschi, Chimia 1998, 52, 725, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.1998.725.