Fortschrittliche Kommunikationskultur schafft Transparenz und Vertrauen: Innerhalb des Unternehmens und in der Öffentlichkeit

A Culture of Progressive Communication Creates Transparency and Trust: Both Inside and Outside a Company


  • Marguerite Mamane



Novartis is constantly under the spotlight: almost every day, the world's leading Life Sciences company puts some form of communication out to the general public or is called to provide information and position statements. Today, this information can be accessed without delay all around the globe.If transparency is to be achieved worldwide, there must be credibility, and this comes only through constistent messages – both inside and outside the company. The maxim here is to think global, act local and adapt your messages to national and regional circumstances, cultures and ways of thinking.




How to Cite

M. Mamane, Chimia 1998, 52, 707, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.1998.707.