From Molecules to Ecosystems: Topics, Challenges, and Players in Environmental Chemistry
This article is meant to be appetizer and introduction to this special issue of CHIMIA on 'Chemistry at EAWAG'. Two major topics presently challenge environmental chemistry, not only at EAWAG: The human impact on global and regional biogeochemical cycles and the pollution of the environment by anthropogenic chemicals. In order to tackle the various tasks associated with these problems, environmental chemists have to build bridges between the molecular scope of laboratory experiments and the systems approach of comprehensive field and modeling studies. This requires the ability to collaborate with other disciplines and to combine their knowledge with a profound understanding of chemistry. Some consequences of these requirements for research and education in environmental chemistry are also addressed in this article.Downloads
Scientific Articles
Copyright (c) 1997 Swiss Chemical Society
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How to Cite
Chimia 1997, 51, 865, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.1997.865.