Feed Stuffs Analysis at the Swiss Federal Research Station for Animal Production (RAP), Posieux : Die Futtermittelanalytik an der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Nutztiere (RAP) in Posieux


  • Beat M. Schmitter
  • Toni Rihs




Agricultural research and associated control or service activities are carried out, in Switzerland, in six federal research stations. The Swiss Federal Research Station for Animal Production (RAP) focuses on the optimal conversion of feed stuffs into milk and meat, taking into account animal requirements as well as ecological and economic considerations. The station also operates the official Swiss feed stuffs control laboratory. Its analytical chemistry section carries out over 100 000 tests/year, using chemical, physical and microbiological methods, and authenticity procedures based on molecular biology. Sample diversity combined with a multitude of test incentives requires a broad range of state-of-the-art methods for the determination of nutrients, minerals, noxious substances and residues. Evaluating, adapting, and validating analytical methods and testing equipment, are therefore essential tasks of this section. Being accreditaded according to European standards (EN 45001), the laboratory has furthermore to meet the high quality management criteria.




How to Cite

B. M. Schmitter, T. Rihs, Chimia 1997, 51, 777, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.1997.777.



Analytical Science in Switzerland