Beitrag zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung des Sauerstoffaufblas-Stahlerzeugungs-Verfahrens
The present paper deals with up to now unpublished research work, which had been carried out at the “Eisenhüttenmännische Institut” of the Institute of Technology at Berlin-Charlottenburg (head of Institute: Prof. Dr. Robert Dürrer) in the years 1940-43 and which had led to the basic concept of the oxygen converter process as well as its general working parameters on a laboratory scale.
Pig iron melts, which had been melted down in a laboratory type induction furnace, were oxidized with technically pure oxygen either in the furnace itself or in a small converter by using a vertically water-cooled copper lance in short times (6 to 10 kg melt in 6 to 10 minutes) below 0,1 % carbon, the decrease of alloying elements being checked constantly. Oxidation took place with a high rise in temperature but otherwise the process worked in a most simple and efficient way without causing any problems.
The further historic development of the oxygen converter process consisted in an evaluation of the results of the above mentioned research, which led to a clarification of the basic concept of the process on a laboratory scale. As a result pilot-plant size tests could be carried out in 1947 at the Von Roll’sche Eisenwerke at Gerlafingen, Switzerland, which finally led to the first big scale oxygen converter installation which was set into operation in 1952 at the VOEST plant at Linz.
Copyright (c) 1975 Institut für Metallurgie der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich CH-8006 Zürich Marincek

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