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Author Guidelines

CHIMIA, a scientific journal for chemistry in the broadest sense, covers the interests of a wide and diverse readership. Contributions from all fields of chemistry and related areas are considered for publication in the form of Review Articles and Notes. A characteristic feature of CHIMIA are the special topic issues, in which the contents of one issue is devoted to an area of chemistry of great current significance.

CHIMIA is a platinum Open Access journal operating under the licence CC_BY 4.0 ( There are no Article Processing fees for authors of peer-reviewed scientific articles. The authors retain the copyright of their work and allow it to be shared and reused, provided that it is correctly cited.

Special issues are usually organized by a guest editor who is in charge of inviting the contributors and collecting the manuscripts. The final decision to accept or reject a contribution is taken by the Editor in Chief of CHIMIA.

Before writing a manuscript for CHIMIA, be sure to read the Instructions to Authors. Please also consult a recent issue of the journal to see the actual format of the publication and the layout of a particular article type.

Instructions to Authors

References can be formatted using one of the CHIMIA citation styles forEndnote, Mendeley, Zotero or Papers. For installation of the style file, please follow the help manual of your reference management  software.

Output Style for Endnote

Citation Style Language (CSL) file for Mendeley, Zotero, Papers

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (doc or docx) format. This will be used for processing. In addition a pdf version of the manuscript including the tables and graphics in the position they should appear in the final version, should be submitted, which will be used as a definitive version in the event of errors in processing. For LaTeX, see next point in checklist.
  • LaTeX files are acceptable, but not as a native file. Please generate a pdf and this will be used for the processing. Each chemical formula, figure or scheme must be saved in its native format or pdf in a separate file.
  • Each formula, figure or scheme is saved in its native format or pdf in a separate file.
  • The tables are set up with the table function of the word processing software or with the tabulator key.
  • Times font is used for text and Symbol for Greek letters. Footnote management systems and end-of-line hyphenation are avoided.
  • Please indicate in the 'Information for the Editor' the name of your Guest Editor, if appropriate, or the column for which your submission is intended, so that it can be properly assigned.
  • The submission is i) in response to an invitation by the Guest Editor(s) for one of the special topic issues listed under ’Section’; ii) for one of the CHIMIA columns. Please choose the probable issue listed in ’Section’, tick the corresponding 'Category', and indicate in the Comments to the Editor for which column the submission is intended; iii) Non-invited submissions will be considered as Notes. Notes should be of high impact for the Swiss chemical community and particular consideration will be given to authors that have a close association with the Swiss chemical community. The section ‘Articles’ must be selected and a Letter to the Editor must be included to explain why the submission should be considered for publication in CHIMIA.

Vol 79 No. 1-2 (2025) Analytical Innovators

Guest Editor: Davide Bleiner and Hanspeter Andres


Vol. 79 No. 3 (2025): Syngenta Symposium

Guest Editors: Vlad Pascanu and Amandine Kolleth-Krieger

Vol. 79 No. 4 (2025): Laureates: Junior Prizes Fall Meeting 2024

Guest Editors: Hans Peter Lüthi and Ali Coskun

Vol. 79 No. 5 (2025): Biomanufacturing

Guest Editors: Roland Wohlgemuth, Hans-Peter Meyer and Jan Lucht.

Vol. 79 No. 6 (2025): Flow Chemistry

Guest Editor: Claudio Battilocchio and Jean-Philippe Krieger

Vol. 79 No. 7-8 (2025): SCS Major Awards / SCS Fall Meeting 2025

Guest Editors: Christian Bochet and Catherine Housecroft

Vol. 79 No. 9 (2025): ILMAC 2025 / Green and Sustainable Chemistry

Guest Editor: Fabrice Gallou

Vol. 79 No. 10 (2025): Division of Chemical Education

Guest Editor: Jan Cvengros

Vol. 79 No. 11 (2025): Young professors and Ambizione fellows

Guest Editor: Catherine E. Housecroft

Vol. 79 No. 12 (2025): Organometallic Chemistry in Switzerland

Guest Editors: Martin Albrecht and Eva Hevia

Vol 80 No. 3 (2026) DMCCB -  EFMC-ISCB International Symposium: Medicinal chemistry and Chemical biology

DMCCB -  EFMC-ISCB International Symposium: Medicinal chemistry and Chemical biology

Vol. 80 No. 9 (2025): DIAC - New Trends in Industrial Chemistry

DIAC - New trends in industrial chemistry

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.